Let me say this, if you have plans to fly in the next few days you may want to stop reading this story.

Passengers on a recent AirAsia X flight heading to Kuala Lumpur faced a very scary and dangerous situation yesterday after a technical issue was discovered while they were mid-flight that caused the plane to ‘shake like a washing machine’.






Brenton Atkinson, a passenger on Flight D7237 told ABC News, “It was essentially the engine seized up I think, that’s what they told us anyway… It was literally like you were sitting on top of a washing machine. The whole thing was going. We could see the engine out the window which was really shaken on the wing.”




Another passenger, Sophie Nicolas said that even the flight crew seemed to be concerned, “I could just tell by the cabin crew’s reaction that it was really bad.”

She added, “[Crew] said ‘I hope you all say a prayer, I’ll be saying a prayer too, and let’s hope that we all get back home safely’. I was crying a lot, a lot of people were crying, trying to call their mums and stuff but we couldn’t really do anything just wait and trust the captain.”

Thankfully, the plane landed safely and everyone was safe but as you can imagine, everyone on board was shaken up.

Check out a news report from 7 News Perth below.


Filed under: Air Asia, Fights