Ever since Ed Sheeran announced that he was leaving Twitter, many assumed it was because of the negative responses he received for his cameo role in Game of Thrones … #WRONG!

Ed explained on Instagram the reasoning behind his decision and well, he says that he’s been wanting to delete his Twitter account for some time now and deleting his Twitter page AFTER his role in Game of Thrones was nothing more than ‘coincidental’.

He posted a picture with the caption as, “Last i’ll say on this.  I came off Twitter Coz I was always intending to come off Twitter, had nothing to do with what people said about my game of thrones cameo, because I am in game of thrones, why the hell would I worry what people thought about that. It’s clearly f**kin’ awesome.  Timing was just a coincidence, but believe what you want.  Here is an unrelated picture of me and my wonderful manager riding off into the sunset together.”



And check out Ed’s cameo in Game of Thrones below: 



Filed under: Ed Sheeran