Uh oh!!! The lawyers for producer Dr. Luke have filed court documents, demanding that Lady Gaga sets a deposition date for his defamation case against singer Kesha.

Unfortunately, Gaga has been subpoenaed in the case and in the past, has been an outspoken supporter of Kesha during her own legal battle against Luke when she filed claims suggesting that he drugged, raped and emotionally abused her.

According to Luke’s lawyers, they say Gaga joined Kesha’s ‘smear campaign’ against the producer and they ‘spread negative messages’ about him, including a statement that was released, urging Sony Music to let Luke go – this is all according to court documents.

Luke’s lawyers wrote this in statement, “Dr. Luke’s counsel served a subpoena on Lady Gaga because she has relevant information regarding, among other things, false statements about Dr. Luke made to her by Kesha.  This motion has become necessary because Dr. Luke’s counsel has not been able to obtain, despite repeated request, a deposition date from Lady Gaga.”

A representative for Lady Gaga released the following statement: “As Lady Gaga’s legal team will present to the court, she has provided all of the relevant information in her possession and is at most an ancillary witness in this process. Dr. Luke’s team is attempting to manipulate the truth and draw press attention to their case by exaggerating Lady Gaga’s role and falsely accusing her of dodging reasonable requests.”




Filed under: Dr. Luke, Kesha, Lady Gaga