As a guy with plenty of women in my family, but especially a young sister who often attends concerts, this type of thing really makes me angry.

While performing at a show in Netherlands on Friday night, Sam Carter, the lead singer of the UK band the Architects, abruptly stopped his show to call out a man he says he saw grab a woman by her breasts in the crowd.



He said, “I’ve been going over in my f**king mind whether I should say something about what I saw in that last song…I saw a girl, a woman, crowd surfing over here, and I’m not going to f**king point the piece of s**t out who did it, but I saw you f**king grab at her boob. It is f**king disgusting and there is no place for that s**t.”

He made sure to let his audience know that that type of behaviour wasn’t acceptable at his show or anywhere for that matter, “I saw it. It is f**king disgusting and there is no f**king place for that s**t…It is not your f**king body and you do not f**king grab at someone. Not at my f**king show.”




My ONLY issue with this as that I wish Sam had pointed the guy out and had him thrown out but nonetheless, he did exactly what he should do and I hope more people speak out whenever they see things like this occur.

Check out more music from the Architects below and click here to learn more about Dutch radio station, NPO 3FM.



Filed under: Architects, Sam Carter