A brand new season for Leafs and Raptors will be starting veryyyyy soon and as of September 1st, the ACC has changed their security policies and the folks of Toronto have spoken and are NOT happy at all.

The new plan will prohibit fans from bringing in bags larger than 14″ x 14″ x 6″ and those in-and-out privileges, yeah, they’re GONE!



Adding to the new policy, bags and/or purses must be small enough to fit underneath your seat, bags and/or purses will be ‘properly inspected’ and the ACC have cut ties with in-and-out privileges … meaning once you leave the building you will not be able to get back in.

Of course, Toronto has spoken and while many are angry and say they refuse to go to any more games and concerts, some are content and others … well, check out some of the comments below:







And, we can’t forget… as of 2018, the ACC will be renamed to ‘The Scotia Bank Arena’.


Filed under: ACC, Air Canada Centre, Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors