How could anyone forget the time(s) Justin Bieber went off the rails and according to Justin’s manager and friend, Scooter Braun, he says things were worse than anyone, including friends, family and fans even realized.

During a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Scooter says,“I failed him day after day.  We were living in hell because he was in such a dark place.”

Scooter, who is known for his client list (Kanye West, Ariana Grande, to name a few) discovered Justin when he was only 12-years old and it seemed as if Justin rose to fame overnight.  However, by January 2014, that all came crashing down when Justin began to get himself into trouble here and there, arrested on suspicion of DUI and the drag racing incident in Miami.


According to reports that were released by police, Justin, according to the officer, was speeding and was pulled over.  He then failed a sobriety test, swore at the cops on scene and then admitting to have alcohol and prescription drugs in his system.

After this, it all went down hill for Justin.  It was said that he ‘allegedly’ assaulted a limousine driver and then egging a neighbour’s house, which is how his grinning mugshot came about.

Scooter then says, “I have inconveniences, and other people have problems.  Mine feel important, but they’re not. They’re not life or death. Justin’s stuff got to a point where it was a problem.”

And even at his worst, Scooter stood by Justin, through thick and thin, “Some of the biggest people in the industry, people invested in Justin’s career, told me, ‘It’s over. Focus on something else. That kid is done.’  I made a promise to him when he was 13 that I would never give up on him and I plan on keeping that promise.”

Scooter continued, “When the time came and Justin needed the resources to get back on track, I wanted to make sure I was a rock and someone he could turn to.”

Scooter also told Wall Street that he considers Justin to be his family and how he’s proud of him.  “I think he’s seen the worst of himself, and to watch him rise out of it was amazing.”


Filed under: justin bieber, scooter braun