It’s not what’s under the tree that matters … it’s who’s gathered around it.”

Now it doesn’t matter what age you are, we all have that ONE special Christmas moment.  Whether it’s a new family addition, a Christmas outing, the famous family Christmas tree or family get-togethers, there’s always going to be that one moment that stands out the most and shines the brightest.

KiSS 92.5 announcers share their most memorable Christmas moments.

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“Last year my wife was pregnant with our son Cruze and Christmas felt special because we knew it would be our last Christmas just the three of us (can’t forget about our dog Tigg). The anticipation of growing our family gave us something to look forward to and we knew that Christmas would be completely different for the rest of our lives. We couldn’t be happier.” – Mocha



“My most memorable Christmas moment comes from when I was 14 and celebrating Christmas in NYC with my family. My aunts arranged for a guy in a Chuck E. Cheese costume to show up (my cousins had visited us in Toronto that summer and LOVED going to Chuck E Cheese so she knew they’d love it). Anyway, the person playing Chuck E. was hilarious. He performed rap songs, reggae and was just a total goof. One of the best Christmas memories because it was a little ratchet and I like things that way.” – Shem



“My Christmas memory stems from what most memories are based around…the Christmas tree. Ours was always a real one. We, as a family, would spend a couple of hours traipsing through a Christmas tree farm, usually to come back to the first one we saw. But that’s not the memory. My memory is the night the tree fell over. My brother and I had gone to bed, mom in the kitchen, dad in the basement, and the tree came crashing down with the sound of all the glasses in the world shattering at once. Plus my mom screaming. Cue my brother bolting down the hallway, and my dad yelling as he ran up stairs. I stayed in bed…fearing aliens had attacked. The Christmas tree: what a way to bring a family together.” – Brooksy



“Anytime I’m asked about my ‘best’ Christmas, I tell everyone about the time I received a 5ft Barbie Doll House.  I was around 5, 6 years old and had no idea I was getting it for Christmas.  C’mon, when you’re young and Barbie is life, a 5ft doll house is a dream come true BUT if you’d ask what my most memorable Christmas moment is, it would have to be when my pup Bella came into my life.  I remember my mom and I taking the drive down to Hamilton in November to see her and it was then that I knew she belonged in our family.  We officially brought her home in February and five years later, we’re the best friends and she’s brought so much joy into my life.  She makes me laugh, watches TV with me and stays with me when I’m sick.  Dogs are truly a man’s best friend, well … in this case, a woman’s best friend.  Bella came into my life at a time I needed her the most and for that, I love her to pieces.”– Kayla



“I’m going to use the blanket statement of “holiday” for this one, as to make both sides of the family happy… As it isn’t a Chanukah or Christmas specific memory. I have so many memories that are really special to me around this time of the year, its hard to pin the tail on that donkey. 

One that is really special to me, and why I can never get rid of our Christmas tree ( ok, fine, THIS one is a Christmas memory) is when I wanted to surprise my now husband with it.. We didn’t have a tree at the time and I know how special the holidays are to Matthew, so I went to The Hudson’s Bay and spent forever looking at all their trees till i found one I thought was perfect … 7 feet of pure artificial glory! Once I picked it, I needed help getting it home, so I tried calling Matty on his phone.. no answer.. after about 8 or 9 failed attempts to reach him on his phone I called a cab and somehow shoved it into the back seat.. got it into the elevator at our then crappy apartment… opened the door and threw it inside where he was sitting on the sofa.. and i said.. Merry $%*%$* Christmas! needless to say, that tree is still with us 8 years later and holds so many memories! “

“Another contender for favourite would have to be this past Chanukah. All I’ve ever wanted was a menorah that had special meaning, and came with a story… And Suzie wins the prize for always knowing and caring and giving the best gifts got us the best one! growing up I had an issue saying the T sound and always made it an F sound.. so when fire trucks would go by.. i would say “fire F%$#” so she found a menorah that was a fire truck! how awesome is that! so Matty and I cherish it!” – Maurie

From everyone here at KiSS 92.5, MERRY KISSMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!