Welcome to the neighbourhood, Mr. Hanks!

Tom Hanks is set to play the iconic Mr Rogers in a new biopic, and people are thrilled about the idea!




The widely loved actor will play the king of children’s television in the upcoming film ‘You Are My Friend’, and production is set to begin later this year. Director Marielle Heller will be working on the project, and has stated how excited she is to get things started.

“I’m thrilled to be making ‘You Are My Friend’. The script knocked me out with its message of kindness and its exploration of the human spirit. As a mother, I am so inspired by the teachings of Fred Rogers and as a human I am in awe of his life’s work. I can’t wait to bring his story to the public and be a part of such a thoughtful, smart group of people who are all coming together to make this film, which truly feels to me like an antidote to our very fractured culture.”




Get your emotions ready world.