They say a beard can make a man, right?



That’s Calvin Harris’ thoughts, anyways.. The world famous DJ/producer/artist has admitted that he actually grew a beard so people (and the Grammy committee) would take him a little more seriously as a producer.


“Last year I grew a big ol beard in order to be taken seriously by the Grammys as a producer. It worked to an extent – my Producer of the Year nomination came through and I was happy the beard was performing as well as I had hoped. But unfortunately this weekend I learned that even a new beard has its limitations. On Sunday I lost out to the incredible Greg Kurstin.
A big ol beard can only take you so far. An important lesson learned that i am happy to pass forward to all of you good people. Now my beard is gone, the experiment completed and I can move forward with 2018! God bless and thank you for your support !!!”

Sadly, the beard didn’t help ol’ Calvin out with his 2018 Grammy, but at least he’s taking a silly approach to the loss!

Plus, he’s the highest paid DJ on the entire planet, so we’re sure he’ll be A-OK.




Filed under: Calvin Harris, GRAMMYs