Shem got the chance to chat with Huy Do about his parody song. Check that out below!


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Shem Chats with Toronto Man Who Wrote Song About Toronto's Crazy Rental Prices!

Originally Aired: February 12, 2018




Have you ever struggled trying to find a place to rent in Toronto? It’s not exactly easy because prices are so high.

In fact, according to the rental website Padmapper, Toronto has the highest median price for a one bedroom in the entire country!




Well, 27 year old Huy Do has had enough and speaks for many of us (especially me) as he’s created a song about wanting a condo here in the city that won’t cost him an arm and a leg (he’s done it as a cover of The Chainsmokers’ ‘Closer’).



On the record above Do sings relatable lyrics like,

“I’m looking for a condo in the centre of Toronto. $1,300, can afford, please don’t try to up the cost though. Got no pets, don’t need it furnished, got a job, I’m working full, in the end it’s all I want, so I just really want a condo.”

I mean, come on who couldn’t relate to wanting THAT price right?

He even created his own movie poster to help with his search; he notes that he hopes to land a place just in time for the summer.


This guy is awesome, and while getting a condo/apartment for $1,300 (one bedroom) might be a lofty (pardon the pun) goal, I admire the effort put into a song like this and again, I FEEL YOU BRO!



Filed under: Apartment, Condo, Huy Do, Toronto