The Rabbit happens to be the luckiest of all 12 signs during the Year of the Dog.

The two best lucky stars are shining on the Rabbit this year. Rabbits may meet resistance but these stars will help ride you through. That said, overconfidence could be your downfall. Rabbits are advised not to get too comfortable. Luck likes to be appreciated.

1951 Wood Rabbit Comfort is key this year. Enjoy the comfort if and when it’s available.

1963 Metal Rabbit Good career opportunities are available for Rabbits born this year.

1975 Water Rabbit The luckiest of all Rabbits this year. But temptations surround you because of it. People will be attracted to you, everyone will want to be close to you. Do not allow yourself to be too flattered and become lazy. Maintain your integrity. One lapse and your luck could disappear.

1987 Fire Rabbit There may be distractions for Rabbits born this year. (This would be Scott Moir.) Stay focused and rest. Fire meets fire. So you must be careful you don’t burn up and out.

1999 Earth Rabbit You could see excellent results in your studies this year. You know who’s a Rabbit born this year? My current figure skating obsession, Nathan Chen, one of the favourites to win the gold medal. He didn’t look great last night in the team skate. But the men’s short program happens on Friday, February 16, the Lunar New Year. Keep an eye on that.

Rabbits who were not born in winter this year should hydrate, lots of water, lots of fruits and veg. If you can, stay out of the heat. All Rabbits are advised to get a checkup—full physical—between May 5 and June 5.

In July and August, drink water, stay cool. Do not overindulge.

Rabbits may want to seek advice and opinions before making major decisions this year, especially financial ones. And try not to be too flashy. Celebrate within reason.

This content originally appeared on Lainey Gossip.