Not everyone found Arie Luyendyk Jr. and fiancée Lauren Burnham’s April Fool’s Day prank funny.

On Sunday, the 36-year-old race-car-driver-turned-real-estate-agent-turned-massive-tool posted a photo on Twitter of a woman who *looked* to be 25-year-old Lauren holding her stomach, with the caption: “Secrets (sic) finally out, we have a bunny in the oven!”

Bachelor Nation quickly responded to the pic, with many questioning its legitimacy since, you know, IT WAS APRIL FOOL’S DAY. “1 in 8 women struggle infertility. I really and truly hope that if this is a joke, when you do try to conceive you aren’t met with the harsh reality that so many face,” one Twitter user wrote.

“Love you guys but hopefully this isn’t a joke. A lot of people struggle with getting pregnant or loosing babies and that would be F’ed up and selfish. Just an odd day to share it is all. Hopefully a congrats will be in order,” said a fan on Twitter.

Shortly after the tweet (and the beginning of the backlash), the former Bachelor revealed that the news was… JUST A JOKE!!!!!!!!! Wow, you really got us with that one, Arie! Honestly dude, are you in high school????

After the reality star confirmed he and Lauren were just pulling a prank and are NOT with child, the internet let. them. have. it.

Basically, this tweet sums up our feelings towards Arie:

Real hilarious, you two.

Filed under: Arie Luyendyk Jr., The Bachelor Season 22