Craig Shapes, a musician living in Kent, United Kingdom, had a v. rude awakening after moving in with his girlfriend and her BFF.

According to this now-viral Twitter thread, Shapes moved in with the ladies sometime in 2017 and has since been shaken to his core by his time in the house. Everything from a typical gal’s pre-game ritual before a night out (hint: it involves several steps across many hours) to how adept ladies are at Instagram stalking (“I mention a name, after five mins on Insta they know the person’s dog’s name, their shoe size and their national insurance number”), Shapes says the experience has given him a newfound appreciation for women in general.

Shapes also mentions that he believes girls to have “photographic screenshot memories…”

…And a penchant for plucking other people’s brows. Ha!

At one point, Shapes actually refers to himself and his roommates as “we.” As in, “When we’re hungover, we literally don’t get out of dressing gowns all day.” L O L, so cute right?