Sad news: sexy athlete Clay Harbor has left the Bachelor Mansion. Good news: he’s now single and probs ready to mingle.

On Monday’s *dramatic* episode of The Bachelorette, 30-year-old Clay was forced to forego his shot at love with Becca Kufrin after he sustained a serious wrist injury on a group football date and had to go home to get surgery. I blame teammate Lincoln Adim for this, because I blame him for everything. Clay, who plays pro football for a living, told 28-year-old Becca that while he has strong feelings for her, he needs to fix his wrist so he can continue his #sports career to support his family. If that isn’t emotional maturity I don’t know what is.

While the NFL player’s departure left Becca in tears, it also opened up a great possibility for us regular folks: we now all have a chance to fall in love with the seriously seductive athlete. So, if you want to date Clay (get in line), here’s what you need to know about him.

He makes good dough as a footballer

According to sports analysis site Over the Cap, Clay has earned over $8 million (USD) from his eight years playing in the NFL. The Illinois native has played for several teams, including the Philadelphia Eagles, Jacksonville Jaguars and New England Patriots—which likely means he’s BFFs with Tom Brady. Now, however, Clay is a free agent, which means he may turn to advertising supplements if he doesn’t land a new football contract soon.


When your boy walks in with pizza after a night out. #letsgojags

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He likes turtlenecks

When he’s not on the field wearing protective sports gear (pads?), Clay likes to rock a form-fitting turtleneck. As seen in his Bachelorette headshot as well as throughout his time in the mansion, Clay feels most comfortable in a black version of the sweater that hits the midsection of his neck. The look screams “I’m just as serious about protecting my jugular as I am your heart.”

He’s a family man

When he was making the hard decision to leave Becca, Clay said that he helps support his family with his NFL salary—a remark that brought Becca to tears. Clay’s love for his fam is evident on his Instagram, as he often posts photos with his adorable grandma (srsly so cute), his mom, and his siblings. This dude really has his priorities straight, unlike some other contestants…*cough* Lincoln.


Great night with my favs!

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He’s buff AF



Vitamin D is key #mixedkidsneedsuntoo

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Struggling to make it through this bomb cyclone. #sorryimnotsorry

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He has hella’ hot friends

Forget the duds on The Bachelorette; Clay’s friends are sexy AF. I’m not sure what’s more attractive: the close bond these five smoke shows clearly share or how good Clay looks in a white t-shirt. Either way, spending time with Clay and his hot pals seems way more fun than listening to chicken dude David Ravitz try to insult very successful Wilhelmina model Jordan Kimball.