This is the cutest challenge ever! If you have a dog, please try this!

It’s called #WhatthefluffChallenge and all you need a doorway, a blanket, and a dog…obviously. The point of the challenge is to pretend like you disappeared.

So what you do is, you hold up the blanket in front of your dog…slowly move behind the doorway so your dog doesn’t notice, then drop the blanket and POOF! You’re gone!

Then watch your dog look for you… It’s the cutest thing!

Check out these hilarious videos:

Greatest challenge ever!! But these fails are just as funny:


This dog is so not here for any of it.

This dog is thinking, “not today, girl – you can’t play me like this on camera.”

This dog is like, “for real??”


These dogs are like, “you have A LOT of explaining to do.”

I CAN’T EVEN. Way too funny!

Send us your videos, whether they were a success or a fail – we’d love to see them! :)

Filed under: challenge, dog