Toronto raccoons are jerks.

Sure the little guys look cute…




…but they have NO boundaries.

They’re the person who stands so close to you on the subway you can feel their breathe on your face.

This is what Jenny Serwylo in Christie Pits found when she heard a commotion in her kitchen:


This bold raccoon and two others RIPPED through her kitchen window screen to get in her kitchen and made themselves at home.



Take a listen to Jenny telling Brooksy how she got rid of the home invasion, the smorgasbord the little burglars had, and what advice she has for anyone who finds raccoons in their kitchen.


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Toronto Woman Awoken to Raccoons Breaking Into Her Home

Originally Aired: September 20, 2018


So, raccoon continue to be jerks. #sorrynotsorry



Filed under: Raccoon, Toronto