I love Cardi B for doing this!


Last night Cardi B visited a public housing complex located in Brooklyn, New York and she gave out free winter coats AND shoes.




The Marlboro Houses are in Gravesend and it’s a massive housing project that’s made up of 30 different buildings.  According to Billboard, “Despite the temperature dropping to 40 degrees, the massive crowd of children and parents reportedly waited for over four hours outside the Marlboro Houses for a chance to meet the Bronx queen and hopefully get a free coat.”



During Cardi’s interview with ABC, she told reporters, “I didn’t know it was gonna be so big.  My home boy Chuck, he told me, ‘Hey, let’s give out coats to our community, I know somebody who wants to give out coats in Marlboro.’ and I said, ‘I’m pulling out, what’s up? I’m in here, let’s go!'”



All of the winter jackets that were handed out as well as shows were all donated from Trax NYC, NY Tent Sale and Daniel’s leather.  Cardi then posted a video on her Instagram, thanking everyone who came out and waited patiently in the cold.  “I can’t wait to do this in my borough next BK [The Bronx]” Cardi says.


A woman (who remains unnamed) told ABC, “It’s nice, it’s very nice that she’s doing this for the people, really, because us people over here need a lot of help.”


My heart!


Filed under: Cardi B