In the March issue of Vanity Fair, Miley Cyrus is opening up about her marriage with Liam Hemsworth, the house she lost in Malibu due to the wildfires, her new album that she is working on and much more.  The interview with Vanity Fair took place in the old Gianni Versace mansion in Miami and written by Zach Baron.


Vanity Fair writes, “In the time between Hannah Montana and now, Cyrus has experienced nearly every kind of attention this world is capable of giving—“the weight of a million eyeballs on you who will never have to deal with the criticism or the magnifying glass that we deal with ever in their lives,” as her friend and fellow former child star, Ariana Grande, puts it. Cyrus has also become adept at disappearing when necessary. Last year, her plan was simple: hide out in Malibu, work on a new record, live life with her dogs and her pigs and her “survival partner,” which is what she called Hemsworth before what she calls him now, which is husband. But then came the fire, which banished her from Malibu, and the wedding, which brought her back, sharply, into the public eye, and suddenly it was 2019 and Cyrus found herself with a story she didn’t yet know how to tell.”


Let’s begin with the Malibu wildfires:


Years ago, it was Miley’s now-husband, Liam Hemsworth who purchased the home in Malibu.  As Miley explains to Vanity Fair, she was the first person to live in the home and her first record she put out as an artist (and not as Hannah Montana) was made there, “You couldn’t make this up.  The first record that I ever made as myself—not as Hannah Montana, the first record I ever made as Miley Cyrus—I did most of that record in that house.”  Story goes – a producer by the name of Matthew Wilder used to live with Miley and together, would work in the studio, built on the property.  Once Miley and Liam split the first time, Liam purchased the home from Matthew without knowing its back story, “And then he shows up, ready to move in. And the old owners are cleaning out the garage and getting out all these plaques and shit with my face on it. Liam showed up and was like, ‘What the f**k?’”  Once Miley and Liam got back together, they made it their new home and it became a keepsake for Miley’s music.  When the wildfires happened, Miley was in South Africa filming for Black Mirror.  Luckily for Miley, Liam saved their animals but they lost their entire home.


“Losing my home, losing that peace, was very unsettling. I didn’t go back. I felt like my roots got ripped from under me. I was working on Black Mirror in South Africa. The day I heard we lost our home, my scene was set at my house in Malibu. My character was having a panic attack, so needless to say the inspiration was there. Anne Sewitzky, the director, and I became very close, since going through all of this so far from home, she was really the only mother figure I had. Experiencing that together and in the realness of it all, we created something I think is magical. It’s hard for me to be proud of my work, I rarely walk away satisfied but I’m very proud of what we made. It really tells my story in some dark and funny way, as that show does, and as life is. To lose “everything” at that time—materially, because no lives of people I know and love were lost—Liam and I have also found a new bond underneath all that rubble. Going through a natural disaster, the grief you experience is really unlike any other loss. No more, just different. In our position it feels or looks like everything is replaceable and you can start again, but you can’t buy spirit. Our place wasn’t filled with expensive, meaningless shit, but art—a lot of which I made on my own, and by others, including personal letters and drawings from Heath Ledger, John Kricfalusi, Joan Jett, Murakami, David LaChapelle, Ryan McGinley, and so many others whom I respect.”


Miley on being married:


When asked by Vanity Fair if Miley felt any different being married, Miley answered, “Zero percent different. I would say that losing the house changed us much more than getting married changed us.  We’ve worn rings forever, and I definitely didn’t need it in any way. It actually is kind of out of character for me.  It’s an old-fashioned thing to do, in some ways.”


Miley continues, “The reason that people get married sometimes can be old-fashioned, but I think the reason we got married isn’t old-fashioned—I actually think it’s kind of New Age. We’re redefining, to be fucking frank, what it looks like for someone that’s a queer person like myself to be in a hetero relationship. A big part of my pride and my identity is being a queer person. What I preach is: People fall in love with people, not gender, not looks, not whatever. What I’m in love with exists on almost a spiritual level. It has nothing to do with sexuality. Relationships and partnerships in a new generation—I don’t think they have so much to do with sexuality or gender. Sex is actually a small part, and gender is a very small, almost irrelevant part of relationships.”


And we can’t forget about Miley’s new album.


Fans can expect a new Miley album by summer!  “There’s psychedelic elements, there’s pop elements, there’s more hip-hop-leaning records.  You know, in the same way I like to kind of just be genderless, I like feeling genre-less.  This new album will be just kind of a mosaic of all the things that I’ve been before,” Miley reveals.


To read the FULL Vanity Fair interview with Miley, click here.

Filed under: Miley Cyrus, Vanity Fair