Jordyn Woods just opened up about the Tristan Thompson cheating incident.

She sat down with Jada Pinkett Smith on her Facebook Watch show, Red Table Talk, for an interview that lasted about 30 minutes – and a lot happened!


For starters, Jordyn made it CLEAR she did not hook up with Tristan.

She said, “Never once was I giving him a lap dance, making out with him, sitting all over him. It’s just we’re all together; we’re in a group. Never once did we leave the public area, go to the bedroom, go to the bathroom.”

There was a rumour that other guests at the party were told to put their phones away, that wasn’t a thing.

She did admit she was sitting next to Tristan though, and her legs were on his – but there was no lap dance involved.

Jordyn also admitted that she was drunk. She says, “I was not tipsy. I was drunk. But I was not beyond the point of recollection.”

And yes, Tristan and Jordyn did kiss. She said that as she was leaving, he asked her if she was sure she wanted to leave, and that she could stay. She said she had to go, and he kissed her…it wasn’t a make out, there was no tongue – but it was a kiss on the lips.

She said that she told Khloe that she went to the party, but didn’t tell her what fully happened…She said, “I was honest about being there, but I wasn’t honest about the actions that had taken place.”

And the reason why, “I knew how much turmoil was going on, so I didn’t want to throw more fuel on the fire. Khloe doesn’t deserve this either. It’s not fair that she has to deal with this either.”

BUT she doesn’t think she’s responsible for Khloe and Tristan breaking up. She said, “I know I’m not the reason.”

She said she never slept with Tristan, and she’s willing to take a lie detector test,

She’s also been in touch with Kylie since it all happened. “I told her I was coming to the Table today. I think at this point, it’s gone too far, and enough is enough. When the safety of the people I love is in jeopardy, I have to speak.”

And when Jada asked her what she would have done differently, Jordyn said, “I would not have gone to that party.”

Well… if you’re wondering how Khloe feels about the whole thing… She’s not buying it.

After she heard Jordyn’s Red Table Talk interview, she tweeted to Jordyn saying, “Why are you lying @jordynwoods ?? If you’re going to try and save yourself by going public, INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story. BTW, You ARE the reason my family broke up!”



She also Tweeted, “Tristan is equally to blame but Tristan is the father of my child. Regardless of what he does to me I won’t do that to my daughter. He has been addressing this situation PRIVATELY. If Tristan were to lie publicly about what conspired,then yes I would address him publicly as well”




Khloe definitely needed to clear her head. She went back on social media to express how she’s feeling after everything went down this week.

She wrote, “This has been an awful week & I know everyone is sick of hearing about it all (as am I). I’m a rollercoaster of emotions & have said things I shouldn’t have. Honestly, Tristan cheating on me & humiliating me, wasn’t such a shock as the first time. What’s been harder & more painful is being hurt by someone so close to me. Someone whom I love & treat like a little sister. But Jordyn is not to be blamed for the breakup of my family. This was Tristan’s fault. I have to move on with my life & count my blessings, my family, my health, & my beautiful baby True.”


WOW, It’s been exhausting trying to keep up with the Kardashians.



Filed under: Jada Pinkette Smith, Jordyn Woods, Khloe Kardashian, Tristan Thompson