I could honestly listen to Pink ALL day, EVERY day! Her voice is amazeballs and mix her vocals with Khalid’s … mama mia!  Pink released a new track which features Khalid and is off of her new studio album, of the same name Hurts 2B Human and it’s out now!




Pink has 13 brand new songs on her hands, including the previously released records, ‘Walk Me Home,’ ‘Hustle’ and now ‘Hurts 2B Human.’




During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Pink spoke about her new album, the inspiration, the features and more.  To read Pink’s FULL interview, click here.




EW: What was the inspiration behind Hurts 2B Human?

PINK: “I am very much a mystery bag. You put your hands in me and you have no idea what you’re gonna get out. That’s just how I do it. I don’t believe in genres. I just believe in music and speaking your heart. I usually go on tour and stop writing altogether but we just never stopped. I just never stopped.”

“The collaborations just kind of all came together. I had this song I wrote in Nashville and I thought, wouldn’t it be so cool if Chris Stapleton would sing with me? And then he said yes and I had to pinch myself. Then I thought, this song needs Khalid, and then he said yes. He said yes because his mom likes me. I’ve crossed over. Someone I think is my age will walk up to me in an airport and be like, “Hey! My mom loves you!” And I’m like, “F—! I mean thank you!””


EW: You mentioned Khalid. He duets with you on the title track. Why did you decide to name the album Hurts 2B Human?

“When this song happened, it hit a string in me that just resonates. I feel like in 2019 if you’re present and not totally escaping your feelings and you’re looking around at what’s going on in the world, especially this country, it hurts. It f—ing hurts your heart. If you choose to remain open-hearted, then it’s just going to hurt for a while. I think that’s a good thing because that’s what creates change and I think we’re starting to see change and see people show up and fight back. Also, being a woman and Khalid being an African American male in America, it f—ing hurts.”

“I also think it’s a really hopeful song. If you watch the news you think everybody hates each other, everybody’s an a—hole, everybody’s a douchebag — but that’s not true. A lot of us out there are not like that and a lotta people out there do have each other’s backs and that’s what it’s gonna take to usurp the bullsh— that’s happening. So that’s why I especially wanted Khalid to be on that record with me aside from I love his voice. I love who he is. He’s young and awesome and the sweetest person in the world. I always name the album after a song title and this one felt the most true to what’s going on right now.”



Filed under: Khalid, Pink