Here we go … again! (I still love you!) . Days after releasing a music video for his last single off his ‘No.6 Collaborations Project,’ Ed Sheeran announced via Instagram that he’s once again, taking a break from both music and social media.


“Hello all. Gonna go on another break again.  The Divide era and tour changed my life in so many ways, but now it’s all over it’s time to go out and see some more of the world.  I’ve been a bit non stop since 2017 so I’m just gonna take a breather to travel, write, and read. I’ll be off social media until it’s time to come back.  To my family and friends, see ya when I see ya – and to my fans, thank you for always being amazing, I promise to be back with some new music when the time is right and I’ve lived a little more to actually have something to write about.  Lots of love x.”



This isn’t the first time Ed has taken a break from music – back in August, while performing his last show on the Divide Tour in Ipswich, England, Ed shared:


“As you may or not know, I’ve been on the Divide tour for over two years now and this is the last day of the whole thing.  There is something very bittersweet about it. I love that you guys are here and we are ending it in Ipswich. This is my last gig for probably 18 months.  We’ve played all around the world: Glastonbury, Wembley Stadium.  All these amazing venues, America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, South America — it’s been a wild one. I was told before I came on that now, at the end of this tour, I’ve played to nine million people around the world. It is the biggest tour ever.  It’s been an emotional day for a lot of people backstage. It kind of feels like, in a weird way, that you’re breaking up with a girlfriend that you’ve been with for years. It sounds odd but it has been a long tour.  I want to say thank you to everyone on this tour.  Thank you to everyone who has given me a chance. This is my last song.… See you in a few years time. Thank you.”



And just last year, Ed told People:


“I ended the tour and I [realized] I hadn’t ever really lived a life.  It’s quite weird being a touring ‘celebrity.’ People assume you’re living the best f—ing life in the world, but you don’t really get to live any life because you work the whole time.  I was like ‘F—, I’m 25, I left school early and went straight into touring.’  I haven’t properly formed relationships with people so I needed to have a year off and spend it with friends and family and Cherry and actually become a human being.”



And in other, non-music news, Ed lost 50lbs!!!  He was recently interviewed on Behind the Medal podcast and this is what he revealed:


“I didn’t touch exercise for a long time” (Ed revealed as a kid, he played football (soccer) but once he became friends with a guitar, he says ‘it all kind of went out the window’ and eventually, picked up smoking).  “And then I stopped smoking three years ago and then ever since then started exercising. I love it.  I started doing it because when I stopped smoking, I was very aware that my lungs were so full of s— that I needed to clear them out.  Gyms are good but there’s nothing like fresh are to really give you a clean out. That’s, for me, the main reason why I started doing it.  I’ve gotten really into cycling as well, and there’s no way you can, like, check emails or watch TV shows.  You’re either with someone talking, or you’re thinking. And it’s a really good thing.”



When Ed was asked ‘how he stays fit while touring the world,’ he says:


“You don’t really.  I kind of had to make a real effort on this tour.  It’s always America that gets me, America in buses.  Because you finish a gig in America, you know, you get like a tray of chicken wings, sit in the back of the bus, watch The Simpsons, drink a couple bottles of wine, but then that’s every single day, so it just piles on you.  But these last few years, because it’s been bigger shows, they take longer to set up so you have a bit longer time in between so you can have a routine.  Plus, wherever you go, there’s always a cool place to run.”


Listen to Ed’s interview below.


Filed under: Ed Sheeran