We have ALL been there at some point right? Being that awkward third wheel?




Maya has a pretty sweet living situation with her co-worker and his partner but is starting to feel a little awkward.


She wrote:

Hey Roz and Mocha, I’m originally from Toronto and I moved to Niagara Falls for work in January 2019.

I couldn’t afford my own place at the time so one of my colleagues offered a room at his house, 10 mins away from work, for cheap rent.

The past year has been awesome, the guy is like an older brother to me. In October his girlfriend moved in. She’s great too, and we all get along. They never made me feel like I ever had to leave.

But now it’s been over a year and I’m wondering if I should move out. I try to stay in my room as much as possible or go back to Toronto on my days off, but sometimes I feel a little bit like a third wheel.

I don’t want to move because the rent is cheap, I don’t like living alone, it’s helping me save and because it’s so close to work.

Should I bring it up and get their thoughts on the matter or should I keep quiet and not ruin this arrangement and just wait for them to bring it up?


Should Maya move out? Should she stay? Roz and Mocha tried to help her fix her life!



If you have a dilemma that you want Roz and Mocha to help you work through, let us know by texting us at 925-555 (don’t forget, standard messaging and data rates may apply) and make sure you write ‘FML’ or ‘Fix My Life’ in the message.

Filed under: Fix My Life, roz and mocha, Roz and Mocha Show, Toronto