In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Hilary Duff revealed she’d be totally open for a Lizzie x Hannah crossover.


Hilary says, “I love Miley, I recently was on her show that she created during the quarantine, and she’s just awesome.  She’s always showing me so much love and it kind of embarrasses me in a way.  I’m like, ‘come on, you’re like the epitome of cool,’ and it’s really sweet that she’s just so vocal about being a fan growing up with me and I love her.”


So what’s happening with the Lizzie McGuire reboot? According to PopCrush, “Production of the reboot remains on hold after disputes due to story line limitations with Disney+, but the cast and crew are optimistic about moving forward.”


Hilary shares, “We started shooting, we stopped shooting and went back to the drawing board with Disney+, Disney, and myself to come up with something that works for all of us, and we’re still in the middle of that process.  Everything kind of got put on hold, especially now because of COVID.  But no, we’re talking weekly and I feel really good about it.  It’s a work in progress.”


Filed under: disney, Hilary Duff, Miley Cyrus