On her GoFundMe page, Vitoria Mario describes herself as a ‘young black 18-year old with a dream.’  Vitoria created her page in hopes to raise enough for university tuition.


“I have received a conditional offer to study Mathematics (MMath) at the prestigious University of Warwick. I have already attained AABB at AS Level and I have recently achieved A*A*A in my A-Levels in Maths, Further Maths and Physics, respectively.  However, I am still in a position of uncertainty as I may not be able to attend university due to my circumstances. I have lived in the U.K. for 4 years now, after migrating from Portugal to live with family in Tottenham. The socio-economic barriers of not being eligible for maintenance loans/grants is due not only to not having ‘Home’ status, but also because my family are low income, and unable to help me self-fund through university,” Vitoria writes.




A fan was in need of help and in comes Taylor Swift, who donated $30,000 to help pay for tuition.  To celebrate the amazing news, Vitoria shared on Instagram, “A blessing out of the blue.  I’m still processing everything to be honest but, I really just want to thank everyone (Taylor Swift in particular) for sharing, supporting and donating towards my campaign.  Your girl is going to be a mathematician.”




Taylor then left a heartfelt message on Vitoria’s GFM page, “I came across your story online and am so inspired by your drive and dedication to turning your dreams into reality.  I want to gift you the rest of your goal amount.  Good luck with everything you do!”




Congrats, Vitoria!


Filed under: Taylor Swift