After high school senior Priscilla Samey tweeted, “Couldn’t find a man to accept me for prom so I took a college that did”—along with a picture of her embracing her Harvard acceptance-letter-turned-prom-date—her tweet proceeded to go viral, racking up more than 125,000 likes and 28,000 retweets.


Now, her feed is being flooded with congratulatory GIFs and strong words of support. “You won’t have to cut this picture in half in five years so you winning,” tweeted one user. “I don’t know you but I’m so happy for you, this just healed my soul and cleared my skin,” said another.


According to her interview with Mic, the reaction from Samey’s classmates was similar: they found it “funny and cute,” just like the Internet did. Samey told Mic that she got the idea from her older sister, who told her that “the best [date] is all your college admissions.” We agree! Her date was, after all, the most low maintenance. No boutonnière, no limo seat, no extra ticket, and “I didn’t have to pay for his dinner,” Samey pointed out.

Having gotten into Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, University of Pennsylvania and Cornell, as well as her bae Harvard, Samey is not playing when it comes to post-secondary education. She is planning to major in political science at Harvard, on a pre-law track. Her advice to other college/uni applicants? “Be true to yourself.”