
It’s not the server’s fault!!!


20-year old college student Jess Jones was waiting tables in Belmar, New Jersey when she encountered a table of especially unappreciative and disrespectful people. Jess was serving a table of 8 during the restaurants dinner rush who ended up having to wait an hour for their food. While this obviously isn’t desirable, the kitchen being backed up with orders is not the server’s fault.


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This table of people, who obviously couldn’t grasp that concept, decided to take their dissatisfaction out on Jess, by writing “LOL” in the tip box and adding that they waited an hour for their food. Jess shared a picture of the receipt to Facebook with this message:


“Last night, I was stunned by this receipt that was left for me by a party of eight people. I would have preferred a ‘$0’ tip than a ‘LOL’ tip, but as a waitress, bad tips and harsh notes are all part of the job. Even though they did wait an hour to eat, they remained satisfied with filled drinks and proper notice that the kitchen was a bit busier than normal. I’ve worked in the service industry for five years and I take pride in providing great service to my customers.”


She followed up her post by saying:


“Most of my paychecks are less than pocket change because I have to pay taxes on the tips I make. I need tips to pay my bills. All waiters do. We spend an hour or more of our time befriending you, making you laugh, getting to know you, and making your dining experience the best it can be. We work hard, and we really do care.”


Jess’ story got so much attention that even the mayor of Belmar, Matt Doherty chimed in on his Facebook:


“If you visit Belmar please treat the hardworking men and women in our service industry with the same respect you would expect at your job. This is ridiculous.”


We hate to hear stories like this, but it’s nice to see someone finally stand up for the people in the service industry!!!


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(Images via Jess Jones/Facebook, Giphy)