Fair or not fair, celebrities are sort of expected to give charitable donations to different foundations because of their own personal wealth and when they do it undoubtedly changes the lives of those in need. Nicki Minaj is one of those celebs who have given back to fans and her most recent form of generosity is truly outstanding.

For two years, Nicki has been quietly helping members of a village in India gain access to water, basic supplies and helping people pursue their education.

Nicki wrote on Instagram, “This is the kind of thing that makes me feel the most proud…The money I’ve sent to this village in India for the last couple years [via my Pastor Lydia Sloley], has gotten them a Computer Center, a Tailoring Institute, a Reading Program and 2 WATER WELLS. We complain about the most ridiculous little things when some ppl don’t even have clean water. Blessings to India. Our work is far from done. I’ll tell you guys more about my charity work in the near future in case you’d like to be a part of it. Love.”




Fans of Nicki showered her with praise and adoration for her charitable donations.

One Instagram commenter wrote, “@nickiminaj, Yours and others generosity is making real, concrete changes in other lifes. Almost 1 in 3 girls are forced to drop out of school in India when they get their period. I wish there was more we could do for their education.”

Another wrote, “Nicki your [heart] was so big and you help these Indian people… God bless you My heart…. I love you so so much.”

You may remember earlier this month, Nicki displayed her giving nature by offering to pay the tuition fees of her fans.




Shout out to Nicki for being so awesome!


Filed under: India, Nicki Minaj, Tuition