Blac Chyna is now speaking out after her ex, Rob Kardashian posted nude pictures of her during a social media meltdown last week.

Alongside her attorney Lisa Bloom, Chyna sat down with ABC News and said she was absolutely devastated by the release of private photos.

She said, “I was devastated…Of course. I’m like, ‘How could somebody post these pictures of me?’ This is a person that I trusted…And, I’m like, ‘Wow, OK.’ Like, this is a person that I trusted. I just felt…betrayed. The moral of the story is like, he doesn’t respect me. So if you can’t respect me, you have to respect the law.”

Last week, Rob posted screenshots of a text conversation between the two which included a nude picture, exposing Chyna’s private parts.

He then took to Twitter after Instagram shut his page down.


Chyna’s attorney has argued that Rob violated California’s revenge porn law which makes it illegal for someone to post explicit and nude pictures of you with your permission in some sort of revenge act; according to the law, the crime is a misdemeanor and punishable by fine and up to six months in jail.

Bloom went on to say, “It is a crime to post pictures like this and if you do it, I hope that the full impact of the law rains down on you.”



I’ve seen critics of Chyna on social media argue that because she was a stripper and posted raunchy pictures of herself in the past that somehow she shouldn’t be upset by Rob’s actions; a claim that makes very little sense to me.

Lisa Bloom also explained the difference between the two saying, “Any explicit photos that she may have chosen to post in the past, that’s her choice. This is like saying that a woman can’t be raped if she previously chose to have sex with someone. It’s her body. It’s her choice. Each and every time.”

Early this morning, Chyna and Bloom went to court where Chyna was granted a restraining order by a judge.

After the hearing, Bloom released a statement saying,

“I’m pleased to announce that in court this morning we had a complete and total victory. The judge gave us everything we asked for, which is a set of very strong and enforceable restraining orders against Rob Kardashian, restraining him from coming near her and restraining him from cyberbulling, restraining him from posting anything about her online of personal nature, including photos and videos. As we have said all along, revenge porn is a form of domestic abuse and is also a crime in California and 38 other states, and it’s a civil wrong. I have been very pleased to stand with Chyna and Walter on this important women’s rights issue.”

Filed under: Blac Chyna, Rob Kardashian