

It would appear as though Ed Sheeran has re-activated his Twitter account, although it appears as though it’s an older account or he’s removed all of his tweets from the last two years because the most recent one is from 2015.





Sunday night’s Season 7 premiere of HBO’s Game of Thrones was seen by over 16.1 million viewers, smashing records for the channel and includes over 10 million who watched it on HBO and the rest from DVR and other streaming services.

One of the more memorable, and most talked about moments from Sunday’s episode was a cameo appearance by one Ed Sheeran.






Unfortunately for Ed, many Game of Thrones fans were unhappy with his appearance as seen by these series of sample tweets.







The criticism seems to have gotten to Ed as he’s deleted his Twitter account.




It was just last month that in an interview with UK’s The Sun that Ed said he was getting a little tired of Twitter for how mean it could get, “There’s nothing but people saying mean things…One comment ruins your day. But that’s why I’ve come off it. The head f**k for me has been trying to work out why people dislike me so much.”





Ed would later go on to clarify saying, “Loads of Hoo-har about me quitting stuff. I haven’t quit anything, I’m just not reading anything, except Harry Potter.”

Ed or any of his people haven’t come out and said that the Game of Thrones criticism is the reason for Ed coming off Twitter, but the timing would make sense.



Filed under: Ed Sheeran, Game of Thrones, HBO