Laura Warren, a news anchor in Augusta, Georgia has responded to a nasty viewer who criticized her and called her “disgusting”; Laura is 20 weeks pregnant.


In a voicemail – which you can listen to below – the viewer says to Laura, “Please go to Target and buy some decent maternity clothes so you don’t walk around looking like you got a watermelon strapped under your too tight outfits. Target’s got a great line of maternity clothes in case you’ve never heard of such a thing. You’re getting to where you’re being disgusting on the TV.”





In a blog posted to her website, Laura admits that being pregnant in front of the camera is difficult, “Now, throw yourself in front of a camera that adds 20 pounds every night, find clothes that not only fit, but also don’t make you look like a whale, and cake on enough hair and makeup products twice a day to moonlight as a Las Vegas showgirl, and you’ll understand where I’m coming from. Most days, nothing would please me more than staying in my stretchy maternity yoga pants, not a hint of makeup on my face, a bucket of fried chicken in my lap, watching Gossip Girl reruns, trying to calculate the last day I washed my hair like it’s an advanced Calculus equation.”

She added, “I picked a career that doesn’t exactly allow for that. There are no ‘ponytail’ days.”

Laura then went on to describe the various range of emotions she felt while listening to the nasty voicemail, “Did she just call a pregnant person disgusting? What kind of… I am only at week 20 of this? Am I going to have to deal with this crap another 20 weeks? Should I have my consultant or my boss call her and tell her tailored, form fitting clothes look way better on air than baggy ones, especially when pregnant? Is that a WOMAN who called me?!? Is she a MOTHER?!?!? The freaking nerve…

Do I really look disgusting? What outfit is she talking about? Why did she call on Friday, I wasn’t even working Friday….did she boil over this all week and wait until I was off to leave me a voicemail? Oh crap, am I tearing up at my desk? NOT here. And, NOT over this. This lady doesn’t deserve to get a rise out of  me. Does she know that I’m wearing maternity clothes? What does she want me to wear, a moo moo from the 50’s? Does she know this is 2017? WHY DID SHE CALL ME?! And, why can I not stop thinking about this?! Hmm…bless her heart…”


You can check out Laura’s full blog HERE.

Filed under: pregnancy