Sorry Beliebers but China has banned Justin Bieber.


A statement was posted on Beijing’s Culture Bureau that the “unspecified misdeeds on behalf of Justin Bieber” means that he is no longer welcome on any stage throughout China.


The bureau stated, “Justin Bieber is a gifted singer, but he is also a controversial young foreign idol,” this is in response to a fan’s request for further explanation regarding Justin and missing China dates during his upcoming world tour.


“As far as we are concerned, he has engaged in a series of bad behaviours, both in his social life and during a previous performance in China, which caused discontent among the public.”


Although the bureau didn’t go into great detail on what exactly Justin did, many believe it has something to do with Justin’s past.  During a past visit he caused a circus on social media when photos were leaked online showing someone carrying him up the Great Wall.


Justin was set to perform in Asia later on this year, all part of his Purpose World Tour.  He had shows scheduled in Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and even Hong Kong.


And just like Justin, other musicians have been previously banned from China.  Maroon 5 and Oasis were both banned for voicing their support for the Dalai Lama and Jay Z was banned in 2006 over ‘profanity of his lyrics’.

Filed under: justin bieber