The word “school” meaning “place of instruction” comes from the Latin “scola” – however you say it, it’s back for another year!

Actually as it turns out According to a new survey, 76% of parents say they’re SECRETLY HAPPY their kids are back in school or about to go back. Only 24% of parents say they’re bummed their kids are back in class.

Sorry parents, a study shows you’re spending an average of $244 to send each kid back to school this year. The biggest costs are new clothes, shoes, and school supplies.

But we’ve all been there.. First day back to school jitters, memories we’ll never forget… Some good and some, at the time bad, but maybe not hilarious?

your favourite KiSS 92.5 hosts shared one of their school memories… Maybe it’ll help calm your nerves! Plus, how could we not include some school photos of each as well!


Roz:  – First Day Of Grade 8!

The summer between 7 and 8 I shot up. As in, I probably grew a few inches that summer.
I was always a tall kid, but that year was next level.
Where I grew up we had a three school system – Primary School, Junior High and high school. So going into 8th grade I was a senior – but I looked like a senior in high school. I was 6’1″ going into 8th grade. Nobody was as tall as me. Not even close.
On the first day of school I realized I didn’t fit in. Not with the other kids, but in the actual school. I was too tall. The desk/chair combos they had us use were too small. I physically couldn’t sit in class.
The fist day of grade 8 I stood for most of my classes.
The next day when I rolled into first period I had my own desk. They actually had to get me a desk from the high school up the street. Actually, I had six ‘big kid’ desks that were all mine. One for every class.
Also, I’m pretty sure I wore spandex and cowboy boots to school that day. That was the look.
Grade 8 was awesome.


MOCHA: ( First Day Of HighSchool)

My family moved from one neighbourhood in Scarborough near The Danforth to where they currently live in Malvern. I finished elementary school where I had always gone despite the looooong subway and bus ride every day (I wanted to kick it with my friends).

I went to a high school closer to our new neighbourhood which meant that I wouldn’t be with any of my friends from elementary school. The first day I showed up super early, not knowing anyone, not knowing the layout of the school or surrounding area and not even knowing where to go for my first class! It was the most awkward and uncomfortable day, I’ll never forget it. Of course the first friend I made in 1st period on that day talked my ear off during class and we both got into trouble for disrupting the class. DERP

Not the best way to kick off my first day of high school

** picture below is from that day…I was super young and super smart (I also played the guitar) LOL!

mocha kid


It might come as a bit of a shock, but I’ve always been a little bit of a brat when I was a kid. One night before going back to school, I saw a news story about the harms of asbestos. When I arrived at school, I decided that the only way to get out of class was to proclaim that the school had asbestos and we were all going to die – and I refused to go into class and just stood in the hallway. Today, I would have been totally embarrassed by these actions of mine, but back then I considered myself a hero. The principal had to come talk to me as did other teachers. It wasn’t until the maintenance staff, whom I used to eat lunch with on the regular, had to come and assure me that there was no asbestos anywhere in the school – putting an end to my protest and forcing me to go to class. Shout out to Yorkview Public School!




I had so much fun at my middle school (shout out to D.A. Morrison in East York). Back then, it wasn’t uncommon for middle schools to go from Grades 7-9, so the picture below is from Grade 9.

We had been dress rehearsing for the school’s musical, Bye Bye Birdie all summer long and I remember it being one of the most exciting times of my life.

I got to play one of the male leads, Albert Peterson and got to sing songs like, ‘Put On A Happy Face’ and it was a ton of fun.

I know I’m basically sinking in this suit. I lost a ton of weight because we were rehearsing so much and I was living off Nerds, Airheads, Twix bars and Chubby sodas (YOLO), but I wouldn’t change a minute of it!




When I showed up on the first day of grade 7, I had washed my hair with so much Herbal Essences repeatedly over the weekend I looked like I had slept in a sewer filled with grease for the entire summer. Between that/my way too tight jeans/spaghetti strap shirt.. the boys wouldn’t stop calling.

(No one called.)


First day of I think Grade 10, showed up to no hydro at school. After the first period and still no lights, they sent us home. Instead, a bunch of us went over to a friend’s place, made pizza and watched movies while we dyed another friend’s hair orange. Good times.

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This was little ol’ me, back when I was in SK (senior kindergarten, 1992). I remember my mom picking out my outfits every single day and she wouldn’t bring me to school unless I matched head to toe. Of course, this would also include a big bow that sat on top of my head and it had to match my outfit. All in all, I was always the stylish kid in class and my hair was always done up … what more could a 5 year old ask for?
