
Let’s just say that Tinder usage increased by 300% during the first weekend of Coachella…

So, festival-goers go Coachella for which of the following reasons?

– The music
– The fashion
– The parties
– The hype
– The photos to post on social media

If you said all of the above you’re totally right – except for the fact that Tinder activity took over the ENTIRE event on Coachella’s first weekend! With an average of 96,500 people per day in the scorching desert, and having over 80% aged 18-34, what do you think is on everyone’s mind?


And people are on the look for their Tinder matches!! David Yi said to Mashable“On the first day alone, a festival-goer asked my colleague if she was a certain ‘Melissa’ from Tinder. She said no, though would have said yes if he was better looking, she admitted.” 

Let’s just remember, California guys can be super attractive. The Tinder spike of over 500,000 swipes is totally valid. Suddenly, I’m looking forward to hearing about the stories that will happen during the upcoming second weekend of Coachella!



(Images via Drew Resslergiphy)