It’s NO. BIG. DEAL. Just kidding.

Dan Price, founded credit card processor Gravity Payments when he was on 19, and is probably one of the coolest dudes on the planet. He’s been named Entrepreneur of the Year, for good reason, AND check out what he did for his employees!




There are only 120 people who work for Dan, and they made a minimum of $48,000 a year, which isn’t bad!!! Buuuuut, he didn’t like walking around the office, knowing that he made MUCH more than his few employees. Much more, meaning his salary was a million dollars a year!!!

So, this hunkly man decided to heighten their pay grade to $70,000 MINIMUM!!!




The greatest part about this story, Dan’s lowered his own salary to $70,000 as well so he felt equal to his employees!!!




Dan Price. Marry us.





(Image via Entrepreneur Magazine)