Justin Bieber Instagram
Justin Bieber Instagram

Kylie is the on the cover of the February issue of Elle UK, and in an interview for the magazine, she talks openly about Caitlyn Jenner and the support she’s received from Justin Bieber. 

Check out Kylie’s full Elle UK interview HERE.

Earlier this year, Kylie started the #IAmMoreThan campaign to fight cyber bullying, something she has been the victim of.

ON JUSTIN BIEBER’S & HIS SUPPORT: “I’m so close to him because I feel like he’s been through exactly what I’ve been through in a completely different way but very similar, “So, he’s just… he just… he gets me, and every time I see him, he always sits me down and is like, ‘Are you okay? You’re amazing. You can get through this. Just stay true to yourself.’ “He helps me a lot.


ON HER RELATIONSHIP WITH CAITLYN JENNER:  “It’s an honest relationship, you know? I feel like you can’t build a strong relationship if there are secrets,” she says.

“Everything’s out in the open and now we’re closer, I feel like we want to hang out more. I think there was always something on her mind before she transitioned.”

Kylie also posted the following on Instagram, about her growth in 2015: