I remember when I first heard Sam Smith’s Stay With Me … I balled my eyes out and still to this day, I get so emotional over it.  It’s one of my favourite songs from Sam but after listening to Burning, that might all change.  Let’s just say … Sam did it again!






Just recently, Sam Smith released ‘Burning’, which according to MTV, ““Burning” is a melancholic piano ballad in which he sings about the regret and longing he felt in the aftermath of a breakup.”



In a new interview with BBC Radio’s MistaJam, Sam says that ‘Burning’ is a his favourite song off of his second-studio album, The Thrill Of It All.  Sam explains, “It’s the most personal song I’ve ever written in my life.  I was going through a really tough time last year. I live in London, and I went through a breakup. And I dealt with the breakup in a bad way, and I was just going out way too much. I was burning, in a way.  I let everything go in that song and that song to me is about fame as well, and the responsibilities I felt and the pressure and my relationship with my voice and how I was a bit rebellious last year. It’s about self-destruction.”






Sam explains that music is his therapy and his his recent breakup, it took him at least six weeks to beat writer’s block and also to find his back into the studio.  When that happened, he says Burning was the very first song he wrote.










Burning is the third single Sam has released off of The Thrill Of It All.  The album drops on November 3.






Filed under: Sam Smith