
You might need them after today’s St. Patty’s partying…

Whether you’re going out tonight or ANY TIME IN THE FUTURE, you’re going to wish you knew wicked hangover cures. Well this must be your LUCKY day (Geddit, since it’s St Patricks day!? Ha? Ha?) because now we present to you hangover cures from all over the world!

Germany: Katzenjammer

German’s like pairing their hangover with a roll of pickled herring and even more beer. (Beer on the side. Alcohol and more alcohol…)


United States: The Prairie Oyster

This remedy consists of a raw egg in a glass, Worcestershire sauce, a shot of your choice, Tabasco sauce, vinegar, and salt and pepper. More bad breath, more weird smells, and more time heaving? MAKES SENSE!

Australia: Ant Tea

You put ants…in…tea?


Russia: Pickle Juice


Vietnam: Ground Rhino Horn in Water

This needs to be a joke.

Rhino horns

Namibia: Buffalo Milk

The Germans must be in on this one too because there’s no actual Buffalo milk in this mix, just a load of clotted cream and two types of rum.

Philippines: Balut

Balut is a developing duck embryo. This will not help. In any way. At all.

world-without-justin-bieber-gifsItaly: Dried Bull’s Penis

Apparently this little treat is loaded with essential vitamins, hormones, protein and minerals. You’d probably get hangover like symptoms after even THINKING ABOUT eating this.


…Maybe having a hangover is a better solution than all of these remedies?




(Images via PixabayJonathunder, Michael Freeman)