
Say Goodbye to the old Barbie and hello to Hello Barbie. Now Barbie can actually have a conversation with you and remember EVERYTHING you say!

Mattel has created a new Barbie that actually remembers everything you say! All you have to do is press a little button that activates a microphone inside of Barbie and she will record every word you say. It’s like Barbie is a real person and she remembers everything from what your favourite colour is to what you named your dog. Sounds kind of cool right? (Or INSANELY creepy…) Well you’ll be able to have your own talking Barbie this fall for a small fee of $74.99!!!!!!!!

Check out a little more on Hello Barbie here:

But a lot of people are actually kind of upset about the whole idea. This doll has caused The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood to create a petition against Mattel because they think that your not so secret conversation with Barbie will be used for marketing purposes for the company. Mattel says that was not their intention at all, BUT the crazy thing is that parents DO have access to what is being said once the audio is sent to their email…


Regardless of what they say, the whole idea is still realllllllly creepy. Looks like Hello Barbie won’t be getting a warm welcome!





(Images via Chip Chick)