Can I just say … WOW!!  Still so shocked to know that ‘Spice World’ turns 20 years old this month!



I remember when I heard the Spice Girls for the first time … I immediately fell in love with them, their music, their style, literally EVERYTHING and ANYTHING about them I loved.  ‘Wannabe’ was my jam throughout grade school and anything ‘Spice’ I NEEDED to have.  Whether it was a Spice Doll (which I own 2 of them), music albums, videos, stickers, gum, pencils, you name it … I had to have it … okay maybe I didn’t need to HAVE [everything] but I was their biggest fan and even to this day, still am a fan!



*Side note: I still know the words to every song and Baby Spice is still my favourite #JudgeMeNot.


Not for anything but, the Spice Girls were one of the biggest and most famous pop groups of the ’90s.  In 1996, the Spice Girls debuted their first album Spice, which eventually launched a whole bunch of ‘girl power’ around the world.  The Spice Girls included Emma “Baby” Bunton, Victoria “Posh” Beckham, Melanie “Sporty” Chisholm, Geri “Ginger” Halliwell and Melanie “Scary” Brown.




On November 3, 1997, the Spice Girls released their sophomore album, Spice World.  This time around, their second album focused on more R&B, salsa, pop and ballad-like sounds and the album would be the leading soundtrack for their feature film Spice World, which was released in 1998.



Spice World would be the last album to feature all five of their original members.  It was 19 years ago that Ginger Spice announced (in the middle of their world tour) that she would be leaving the group.  At the time, fans were confused and devastated and wanted answers for Geri’s departure from the group.  During an interview in 2010, Geri explains why she suddenly left the group and how she had plans to leave at the end of the world tour:

“I just got really angry, very emotional about it, because it was something very close to my heart.  I was meant to be the advocate of girl power, and I felt like a hypocrite if I couldn’t do something . . . for empowering women. So, I had to go. I had no other choice, really.”


With Spice World turning 20, let’s listen to the entire album, track by track.  Some of the Spice Girls’ biggest songs came from this album (‘Spice Up Your Life’, ‘Too Much’ & ‘Stop’).


‘Spice Up Your Life’





‘Too Much’



‘Saturday Night Divas’



‘Never Give Up On The Good Times’



‘Move Over’



‘Do It’






‘Viva Forever’


‘The Lady Is A Vamp’


Filed under: Spice Girls