
In this episode of ‘How Can a Former Mayor STILL be THIS Weird?’, we see Rob Ford sell his ‘crack hoodie’ and ‘confession tie’ on eBay.

Have some spare change to spend? You could try bidding on Rob Ford’s used sweater!!!!!!!!! Or ugly football patterned tie!!!!!! SO MANY OPTIONS!!!!!!!

So let’s take a quick trip down memory lane for a minute and figure out where all this is coming from.  Remember this?

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Of course you do. It’s burned in all our minds. Well this is the sweater that’s currently selling for just over $800.

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Ponder this. Digest this. Now let’s go to Rob Ford’s ‘crack confession’ day and take in the tie he’s wearing.

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This tie is selling for FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Fifteen. Thousand. Dollars.

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If the infamous (and not to mention ugly) football tie he wore while confessing to smoking illegal substances is selling for $15K, then I genuinely can’t wait to see what some people will bid on his game changing hoodie.

Someone out there is going to spend close to 20,000 on Rob Ford “memorabilia” and so far we don’t know where ALL the money is going but he says 10% is going to the Princess Margaret Hospital. Online shopping at it’s very finest.




(Images via GawkereBay, CBCLaw Blogger)