In a new interview with Sarah Jessica Parker for V Magazine, Sam Smith talks about his weight loss journey and body image.


Sam is featured on the cover of V Magazine for their spring ’18 issue and when asked by Jessica, “How comfortable are you feeling on camera today versus two years ago?” Sam replied with, “It’s completely different.  I think that’s come with me losing weight. When I was shooting my first music videos, I just wasn’t happy with the way I looked, so I was trying to control the way the camera moved. I got a bit obsessive. I was constantly looking in the mirror, pinching my waist, weighing myself every day. Now, I’ve gotten to a place where I really love my stretch marks and I just enjoy my body.”


Sam continues, “My job is very self-indulgent: I have to listen to my voice daily, I make decisions on what tour posters or album covers look like, I look at my face while sitting in the makeup chair. I get kind of sick of myself, so I trust my team but, my body image is always going to be an issue. I need to constantly train myself to watch the right sort of films, to not look at certain ads and think that’s how my stomach should look.”


Sam’s also adds, “I think men should talk about it more.”