Now, when I say ‘cheating’ or ‘infidelity’, one of the first things you likely think of is catching your partner, sleeping with or texting someone other than yourself right?

Well, according to psychologist Melanie Schilling, there may be another form of cheating that is actually a little more subtle called, micro-cheating.




Schilling told FEMAIL, (via DailyMailUK), “You might be engaging in micro-cheating if you secretly connect with another person on social media, if you share private jokes, if you downplay the seriousness of your relationship to your partner or if you enter their name under a code in your phone.”

In other words, micro-cheating occurs when your partner appears to be emotionally or physically focused on someone outside of YOU.


But what about some innocent flirtation? I mean, at some point we all flirt in some way shape or form right?

Plus, you can be emotionally connected to someone that isn’t your partner can’t you?

Well according to Schilling, a defining characteristic of ‘micro-cheating’ is in the secrecy behind it,

“It’s the secrecy and deception that accompanies the communication that defines it as micro-cheating…Your partner may have a perfectly platonic relationship with a friend and they may be up-front and open about talking to them and seeing them. This should not ring alarm bells….However, if they start to conceal their relationship from you or lie to you about it, then start considering the appropriateness of their connection.”




Ya, I don’t know about this micro-cheating business. I think it just sounds like plain, old cheating, but maybe I’m wrong.

Check out the full story via The Daily Mail UK HERE and let us know what you think about ‘micro-cheating’.

Filed under: cheating, relationships, The Daily Mail UK