Early Monday morning, Canada’s sweethearts Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir took to the ice in Pyeongchang to a mash-up of songs from Moulin Rouge.

Their performance secured a technically perfect 10-point score from the judges and earned Canada its first gold medal of the 2018 Olympics.

Yes, their skate was no doubt stunning, but it was also insanely sexual, and the world took note. Watch the performance for yourself, complete with hilarious (read: totally uncomfortable with this level of sexual innuendo) French commentary.According to FLARE, the duo actually cut one move prior to competing—it involves Virtue’s nether region hanging out mere inches from Scott’s face—because it was too suggestive for the Olympics.

The pair started skating together at a young age—Virtue was seven and Moir was nine—which explains their shocking levels of chemistry, a spark that has existed between them since they were children. In an interview with The Globe and Mail in 2010, Virtue shared that they “dated” for a few months when they were kids, but they “just left it on the sidelines,” Moir said.

Despite their insistence that its just platonic between them, every four years, they give a dramatic dance full of lusty eyes, deep breaths and uncanny synchronization, and every four years, the world wishes they were as madly in love as they seem on the ice.

In fact, people from other countries freaked OUT when they learned Virtue and Moir weren’t a ‘ship they could idolize.



At the end of the day, it all comes back to the sport for these two. Virtue and Moir told Maclean’s that they don’t mind being the subject of rumours because it means they’re doing their job. “We’re always telling stories; we’re supposed to be reacting, a man and woman on the ice; it’s romantic,” Moir said. “What we have is such a cool relationship. It’s more about a friendship; our working relationship is so strong. We take so much pride in that.”

Filed under: Olympics