It’s the Year of the Dog! Last year was a year of waiting for the Dog. This year the Dog could see some action. There’s a star shining on the Dog that will help to reveal you—as in, everyone may finally see your potential, your gifts. However, there are two sh-tty stars that may cause injury. Dogs are advised to take care of health, in particular lung health, and avoid high-risk activities. Female Dogs this year may be irritable, especially around their partners. Manage your temper, try not to lash out. Lashing out will have consequences.

In general though, Dogs should mind their moods. The next part is hard to translate and get the tone exactly right, but here’s how it came out from Ma: “this year Dogs will keep yelling at people.” (Donald Trump is a dog.) It’s related to barking. Dogs bark. Sometimes their bark is effective. Sometimes the bark is not that effective. This year would be one of those times. Use your bark strategically. A constantly bossy and loud barking Dog will not be as effective as a Dog who carefully picks and chooses the times they bark. If you’re a Dog, try not to bark at people so much this year.

All Dogs during the Year of the Dog could benefit from the advice of three mentors. These may include a good friend, someone at work or a scholar. Young Dogs especially are encouraged to learn from their mentors and study hard. This will become an asset very soon.

1958 Wood Dog Dogs born this year may have offended someone in their pasts, a friend who could have helped you. Don’t bark at them. And celebrate a big birthday.

1970 Metal Dog The luckiest of all Dogs during the Year of the Dog. Possibility of romance. Mimi is a 1970 Dog!

1982 Water Dog Finances should be stable if you’ve been responsible and smart with your money and your income and expenses are balanced.

1994 Fire Dog There could be some lottery or gambling luck for Dogs born this year, with a benefactor helping too. And good romantic prospects. If you have a scar on your forehead or an obstruction, celebrate a big birthday. If you’re not sure if you have a scar or obstruction, just celebrate a big birthday anyway. Justin Bieber is a 1994 Dog. He’s been covering his forehead lately. He might want to consider keeping it clear.

2006 Earth Dog There’s a tripping alert so parents or guardians of this young Dog should watch their step.

For all Dogs, stability is key this year. Stay stable and it’s a win.

Summer Dogs and older Dogs could be susceptible to heat because the strength of the Fire this year. Be cautious when you spend time outside. There’s also a flu alert and other viruses to be mindful of. Stay cool, because otherwise you might start yelling at people and that’ll make you anxious because you’re always yelling at people.

All Dogs should reduce driving if possible this year. Whenever you can. Obviously if you have to drive to work, you have to drive to work. But on occasions when you have other options, let someone else drive.

And Dogs should look after their bodies, exercise, stay fit. A sensible diet is a good idea.

Between now and March 4, go see the doctor for a full checkup with blood work, especially summer Dogs. Go to church if that’s your thing. Spend time with your spiritual community. Or volunteer.

Between April 5 and May 5 there is an accident advisory. Stay calm. Do not panic. Do not rush. And beware of backstabbers. Make sure the people you trust deserve your trust. Also rest as much as you can, don’t push yourself.

The Year of the Dog is not go time for Dogs. Rather, it’s a year of maintenance, steadiness. There may not be any major changes in your life this year. And, sometimes, status quo is exactly what you need. By nature, dogs thrive in structure and stability. So if you can manage that structure and stability, think of all the luck you’ll be able to harvest and bank around you. In structured and stable conditions, Dogs can access their strengths and reach their full potential. Instead of being afraid, think of this as an advantage of how you can find your power from a solid foundation—in the Dog’s case, its super power is constancy.

To all: may there be peace and happiness during the Year of the Dog. Healthy wishes to you and yours. Hoping you are safe and surrounded by love. And that luck will find you in your time of need. 

This content originally appeared on Lainey Gossip.