Sam Pepper / YouTube
Sam Pepper / YouTube

YouTuber Sam Pepper is facing a lot of scrutiny after uploading a video of himself pranking his friend into thinking that he was kidnapped and killed his best friend.

Yesterday, Sam Pepper uploaded a video to his YouTube channel that he has titled “KILLING BEST FRIEND PRANK.” In the video, he kidnaps Vine stars, Sam & Colby, and proceeds to “kill” Colby, who was in on the prank on Sam. Many people were not happy with the prank, as evidenced by the outrage on Twitter and the over 65,000 dislikes the video has received on YouTube


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After the negative reaction, Sam Pepper was forced to take to his social media to defend the video. He released this message:


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Sam Pepper / YouTube
Sam Pepper / YouTube


Check out the full video below. Did this “prank” go too far? Is it appropriate? Or was it all just staged anyway?