New mom Tia Freeman has arguably one of the craziest birth stories of all time, even though she doesn’t think so. Exhibit A:

But we’ve never heard anything like it.

For starters, she didn’t even know she was pregnant until her third trimester. In conversation with Self, she said she’d only started to gain weight in mid-January. “This was the first indication that I may be pregnant,” she said. “I didn’t even begin to notice [any weight gain] until around December, but because I hadn’t been to the gym in forever I thought that was pretty typical and didn’t think anything of it.”

By the time she discovered she was expecting, she was only a few weeks away from her due date. However, Freeman had already spent big bucks on a non-refundable ticket to see her friend in Germany. So the Virginia native went on her trip, possible birth situation be damned.

It wasn’t until she was on her overnight flight to Europe that she began having crazy painful cramps, and this is where her story begins. Freeman shared her wild tale in a now-viral Twitter thread—including majorly apropos GIFs and sweet pics of her newborn son Xavier (who is now seven weeks old, healthy and happy as can be, in case you were wondering).

Follow along below and prepare to have your mind blown.