Okay, this is actually the cutest thing ever…


Ariana Grande just got a tattoo to honour her fiance Pete Davidson’s late father in the sweetest way!


She got a tattoo on her foot of the numbers “8418” and it’s the badge number worn by Scott Davidson who was a firefighter who died on 9/11 during the Twin Tower attacks.


Pete has the same tattoo on his arm. Oh my goodness. This isn’t the first tattoo they have together. Pete has her iconic black bunny ears mask and “AG” on his thumb, they also have a tiny cloud inked on their fingers, and “H2GKMO” which stands for “Honest to God knock me out.” on their hands, which is apparently Ariana’s favourite phrase.


Damn, you two are brave. I honestly hope they’re together forever…but what are they gonna do if they break up? Awks…

Filed under: Ariana Grande, Pete Davidson