We were all very excited to hear that The Hills is coming back to TV. Talk about a shot of much needed nostalgia. You can almost hear the theme song already. Feel the rain on your skin…

But the news quickly turned sour we found out that Lauren Conrad AKA LC AKA The Whole Point Of The Show would not be appearing. WTF?! It’s her show! How can The Hills be The Hills without Lauren?


Yes, I know they did a season starring Kristin Cavallari, but let’s be real. The Hills is Lauren’s show. And then we find out that Kristin won’t be on it either! So who’s going to be on this thing?  Do we really need a show all about Heidi & Spencer? You already know the answer to that. (The answer is no.)


This new version of the Hills is so polarizing that Daryn Jones conducted a poll to find out the following:

  1. Were you a Hills superfan back in the day?
  2. Will you watch this Hills Reboot?
  3. Can you even call it The Hills if Lauren isn’t on it?

Your answers were very surprising. Listen to the clip above for the shocking results.