The luxury fashion brand, Balenciaga is known for releasing some…uh…unusual looks.

Like remember the time they released the Ikea looking bag for $2,145??

Well, they’re at it again. They just released this $9,000 layered parka that basically looks like you’re wearing 7 layered jackets.

And if you’re thinking, “i’ve seen this look before…it looks familiar.”

Well, that’s because Joey Tribbiani from Friends wore it first.

Clearly Joey was onto something. Think about it though, it looks so warm and cozy, when you can’t decide which jacket you wanna wear – why not wear them all?

We know how cold winters here can get, this was MADE with Canadians in mind. And also, think about how many snacks you can sneak into the movie theatre with this layered parka!

See, Joey knew what he was doing. Now Balenciaga is selling his idea for $9,000 dollars.

So uh, if anyone wants a cheaper version of this…I’ll be selling 7 jackets for $5,000. That’s a good price right?? …I wonder if anyone will want 7 leggings while we’re at it?




Filed under: balenciaga