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Not only do we have a ton of awesome doggies available for adoption,  there are also a few great events happening this month for you can get out and meet the adoptables from #SaveOurScruff!

#SaveOurScruff is a non-profit GTA based organization that helps rescue and re-home dogs. This month is a big one for these guys, there’s a few events you can attend to help and meet these precious dogs!

Are you ready to shop for a cause?! PYA Imports Sample Sale is having a sale this week from November 12-14, a portion of their proceeds will be donated to SOS! Also, share a picture of your pup on Instagram with the hashtag #PYAlovespup and they’ll donate $1 to #SaveOurScruff. Come out this Thursday-Saturday to 15 Apex Rd. It’s right by Yorkdale mall!

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Interested in meeting one of these pups? You can now! Come out to #SaveOurScruff’s adoption event on November 21st!

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It is time to meet some of the bubbas looking for thier FUR-ever homes!

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Meet Alize! This beautiful girl is a 8 year old Beagle/Walker Hound mix! She comes to us from Toronto and is excited to find her furever home! She has settled into routine very well. Most of the time she has low energy level but also benefits from about 2-3 walks a day. She loves to be your errand companion but is also okay being left alone. She likes the company of others and will sit in her doggy bed right next to you or on the couch if she is invited. She is an easy apartment dog as she loves to lounge around. She barks at the doorbell but is otherwise quite (thus far). She is super affectionate and loves a good snuggle or belly rub. Her fosters call her ‘worm’ because she will squirms all over the place hoping to find a place where you might notice her and give her lots of attention. She is sometimes stubborn on walks — where her hound intincts kick in and she follows her nose. She does show tendencies of being an alpha, so a dominant owner is important. She’s not too big or strong so correction is not difficult. She knows basic commands and is also potty trained and crate trained. She is curious about other dogs but also dominant. She is likely good with cats and kids but is not tested with either. She also has a pre-existing skin condition which will require attention from her owners. She is ready for her second chance in Toronto.



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Our good buddy TEAK is now available for adoption! She came in with a prior injury and had TPLO surgery. She is healing very nicely and should not have any issues with her leg in the future as long as she continues to chillllll during her recovery. She is a 5 year old Patterdale Terrior/Whippet/Boxer (our best guess) from Montreal. She was found as a stray. She settled into foster care quite fabulously and has shown to be a great ‘pet’ the last few months. She has shown to have little energy but that is probably related to her pre-existing injury. She will probably gain energy as she starts to recognize that she can use her leg fully (YAY). She likes to go on hikes/walks. She is not very playful with other dogs and definitely prefers human attention. She’s picky in that she will love and play with some dogs but snaps at others. She doesn’t like dogs in her face and is better on leash in order to correct her. Her favourite thing in the world is cuddling. So move over boyfriend/girlfriend/kids/etc because TEAK is moving in and squishing in. She has basic manners but will need some training. She is prey driven and on walks will try to chase squirrels and pigeons. She is NOT cat friendly. She loves kids and has been found laying next to them in the park. She is currently being crated when left alone or else she will eat ALL the things and ALL the cats. She needs someone who is willing to TwEAK her little traits before they become permanent. She is being fostered in Toronto and is looking forward to meeting you.



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This itty bitty girl just took over toronto. Welcome to SOPHIE’S world. For only a two year old, this Yorkie has claimed the universe and is positive that it revolves around her. Like grew up with a silver q-tip or whatever that saying is. SOPHIE is high-class in that she needs 5 hair dressers around her at all times and a tummy rubber (preferably a cute boy) in paws length always. So yes, she is very much into attention but is also affectionate herself. She likes to be with or around you because that ensures more belly rubs. If you aren’t into it she will force it upon you by continuously pawing at you with her eyes fixated on your soul. She is human oriented and doesn’t put up with much else. In our care, she hasn’t had much interaction with other dogs but barks from a far and tells her butler to tell them to walk on the other side of the street. She does the same with kids, I donno, something to do with being the ‘only important small thing in the world’. She is super smart and learns tricks easily but probably because she likes being spoiled. She needs some leash work as she does bark but as we said she is smart and willing to please. She will travel where ever you want to go but is also satisfied at home alone (no other animals preferred). She may respond to your arrival home with a hair flip and a “wow you really left me alone that long” look. She is happiest laying next to you, on a walk in a quite park or gettin’ a pedicure and her nails did. She’s definitely a companion dog for that special someone looking for some company. She’s currently living it up in Toronto if you’d like to meet her. Remember that she will need help with her ‘me’ complex and socialization. She is a barker and not kid or cat friendly! She responds to correction and we would like to find a home where this behaviour is not reinforced. She has the potential to love everything! She loves humans and hopes your lap is just what she is lookin’ for fo lyfffeeeee.



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JAKE is looking for a furever home! With signs of past abuse (both physically and mentally) SOS is determined to find this guy the love her deserves. We know there is a special person out there that is willing to work with him and help him gain trust and confidence. JAKE has some separation anxiety but is working very hard to be happy and comfortable home alone. He has improved dramatically since starting in foster and we think it has been beneficial for him to be home with another calm dog just like himself. He is slow to warm up with dogs but once he feels safe he will cuddle right up with them. He doesn’t much like being surrounded by dogs (dog park) and will lag behind the crowd so he looks like he ‘fits in’ but can do his own thing. Fast, quick, hyper movements startle him which is why he has hesitation when meeting high-energy dogs or even kids. Jake is not kid friendly as kids have shown him too much unpredictability. He sometimes can’t hold in his pee at night but will otherwise wait till he’s outside to go potty. He is working on his leash skills (#stronglikebull) and has made a lot of progress. Overall, his progress shows us that he is willing to let you lead and smart enough to follow instructions! He has GREAT potential but pffft he’s pretty amazing right now. He loves to cuddle and show affection, he is the ultimate Netflix buddy. He is super loyal and truly just wants someone that will commit to him furever.



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DRACO (middle) is luving life as the third doggy addition to his fam! He’s grown from about 10lbs to 70lbs and thinks of himself as a boxer just like his sisters! He’s also the success story of owner of #PYAImportor which is why he is super excited to be in a post with the hashtag #PYAlovespups as it donates $1 to our SOS pups!



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Lost your kite/frisbee in a tree?! ZEUS is on the job! Or he’ll be your ladder. Whatever works. He’s doing awesome in his furever home. Can’t you tell by this trust exercise!



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MISU is now in his furever home! He has been renamed REGGIE! Initially timid, he is breaking out of his shell! He is curious of his surroundings and beginning to let strangers in. He’s enjoying walks now and making tons of puppy friends. His favourite thing is going for long walks with both his adoptive parents and then coming home to a good cuddle on the couch. “We are so thrilled to have had this opportunity to have such a great addition to our family and each day that passes is more exciting and rewarding than the day before. Thanks SOS”. Success!


If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!